Sunday, July 21, 2013

Accidental Kisses

This is the first of my series of Accidental Kisses series of pic. This one features Hazel the Sheep-HI and Jimmy Flash. :D

While walking through the hallways of her mansion, Hazel accidentally bumps into Jimmy. As they stumble to the floor, Hazel accidentally falls on top of Jimmy. Much to their mutual surprise, Hazel accidentally kisses Jimmy on the lips. XD

Good thing Raisin isn't around to see this, she likely wouldn't forgive Jimmy. Especially after all the help he's given her in pleasuring Hazel. ^^;

1 comment:

  1. >w< Hahahaha~ Very Cute, Dude! I Love It. owo

    but HI ( *you put "sheep-hi"* ) means Fire, and Hazel got water powers.. HI Means Fire in Japanese. ;3
    Just to clear things up, pal. ._.

    But Anyway, I Love This. :D
